ICSE 2019 — The Role of Education in Curbing Climate Change
In the light of current events surrounding climate change and the significance of education in pivoting it, International Conference on Sustainability Education 2019 is being organised by Mobius Foundation, UNESCO New Delhi and The Climate Reality Project on 9th and 10th September 2019.
We, as the inhabitants of planet Earth, have a responsibility to be environmentally cautious, but our irresponsibility while consuming natural resources has led to worsening the environmental conditions to the point where clean air, water, and land have become a dream. The air is no more breathable and is highly polluted with harsh gases produced by millions of vehicles we use to commute for even the shortest distance. The water bodies are filled with garbage and non-biodegradable plastic, while the landfills keep increasing at an alarming rate.
At this point, it would not be surprising to state ‘education’ as one of the strongest pillars for curbing climate change and protecting the future from hazardous consequences. Therefore, ICSE 2019 focuses on evolving the education sector in a sustainability-oriented structure and encourage associated individuals to understand the value of sustainable education for achieving the goal of eco-friendly living. No educational organization should be deprived of utilising the benefits of sustainable education. Being the highest population in the world, students and young citizens of India would develop a responsible approach towards the environment from an early age, benefiting the entire planet.
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. Our children have less contact with nature than ever before and miss out on the health and well-being. Hence it is important to teach children about sustainable development. The knowledge that they absorb through education is carried over to their parents creating a ripple effect that can lead to potential improvements across generations.
ICSE 2019 is going to be a major international sustainability education event aimed at bringing together experts, practitioners and policy makers under one roof to discuss innovative ideas to bring forth a new era in the current educational structure. The aim is to incorporate environmental sustainability as a core concept from the early stage of education. Our partners include Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) and many more.
We believe that education is key to the global integrated framework of sustainable development goals. It is recognised as having one of the highest long-term ROIs of all development goals. There is a need to rethink and broaden the notion of lifelong education. Renowned practitioners like Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Kartikeya Sarabhai, Ken Berlin, Eric Falt, Dr. Ajay Mathur and many more from around the globe will come together to address the important aspect of sustainable development driven through education.
Objectives of ICSE 2019
- To share good practices in sustainable education across the globe
- To incorporate sustainability education at an early stage of education system
- To establish networking opportunities that enable a global sustainable education system
- To identify procedures for developing comprehensive education program in South Asia
The main outcome of the conference will be a set of ‘Recommendations’ and ‘Best Practices Guide in Sustainability Education’ as a tool for planning educational interventions in schools, colleges and higher education sector.
The expected outcomes of the conference include:
1. Experience sharing of good practices and case studies in an Abstract Volume of the conference
2. Model curriculum framework, content and approaches for effective transaction of sustainability education into education system
3. Recommendations for creation of regional e-platform for exchange of experiences and good practices on sustainability education
Participants and Format of ICSE 2019
The conference will bring together around 400 participants, nationally and internationally, representing the multi-disciplinary and diverse group of stakeholders, including policy makers, teachers and educators, curriculum development experts, representatives of school and education networks, youth, scientists and climate change experts, as well as individuals from the private sector and civil society.
- Centre for Environment Education (CEE):
CEE is a national institution working with an aim to promote environmental awareness worldwide. They are committed to this mission and would bring to ICSE 2019 the opportunity of promoting sustainable education worldwide.
2. Earth Day Network:
The mission of EDN is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. EDN and their efforts would help ICSE 2019 and its organizers in promoting awareness on sustainable education worldwide.
3. Eco-Schools:
Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme — it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning. They would bring along the opportunity of networking at ICSE 2019 and would help impart sustainable knowledge to young children associated with their programme.
4. Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE):
With members in 77 countries, FEE is the world’s largest environmental education organisation. The organisation would help spread the knowledge and impressions of ICSE 2019 on a global platform with a strong network of environmentally concerned individuals.
5. Grantham Institute — Climate Change and Environment:
The Grantham Institute is Imperial College London’s hub for climate change, and one of Imperial’s six global institutes established to meet some of the greatest challenges faced by the society. The institute, in line with the goals of ICSE 2019, will help understand and spread awareness about climate change.
6. Society for Environment Education & Development (SEED):
SEED is a registered non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation. Their aim is to bring positive changes in the lives of the neglected and distressed communities with a special focus on the vulnerable and needy people living across the urban and rural areas. SEED would help the team of ICSE to take the benefits of sustainable education to the deprived and underprivileged sectors of our society.
7. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):
SDSN has been operating since 2012 under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate change. SDSN would be an effective connector between ICSE 2019 and the United Nations and our common aim of globally reducing climate change.
8. The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI):
TERI is the innovator and the agent of change in the energy, environment and sustainability space, having pioneered conversations in these areas for over four decades. TERI has got the right skills, knowledge, and research to make ICSE 2019 see success.
9. TERRE Policy Centre:
TERRE’s mission is to provide credible information, straight answers and innovative solutions to address global environmental issues like climate change, Ozone layer protection, toxic chemicals, and biodiversity. TERRE is a perfect combination of every element that ICSE needs by bringing in innovative solutions.
10. Young Reporters for the Environment:
YRE gives young people aged 11–25 a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions through investigative reporting, photography, and video journalism. YRE has the potential to help ICSE and associated educational organisations in establishing a sustainability-friendly course curriculum while giving the young ones a platform to research and study environmental issues.