Major environmental concerns India is grappling with today
Today, our country is riddled with a number of environmental concerns which have only aggravated over the last few decades. It is high time we tackle these concerns head-on as turning a blind eye is not a solution. These challenges have the potential to trap us all in a vicious cycle. Even as India races ahead to join the league of top economies internationally, it must stick to a growth path that is environmentally sustainable. Neglecting the environment can create havoc and the damage done may become irreparable. So we must wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late. Population growth and rapid urbanization are combining to create huge challenges for Indian cities. It is essential to make the public aware of the formidable consequences of Environmental Degradation if not retorted and reformative measures undertaken would result in the extinction of life. Some of the major environmental concerns India is grappling with today are:
Groundwater Depletion
Rapidly depleting levels of groundwater are one of the biggest threats to food security and livelihood in our country. Accessing the groundwater has become increasingly difficult over the decades.
According to news reports, excessive exploitation of limited groundwater resources for irrigation of cash crops such as sugarcane has caused a 6% point decline in the availability of water within 10 meters from ground level. Low rainfall and drought are also reasons for groundwater depletion.
Solid Waste disposal
The population in India is already exploding and if the numbers are anything to go by, there’s plenty more to come. Naturally, there is a huge amount of pressure on natural resources and it is no secret that a large part of the country’s population continues to live in abject poverty. However, the massive population has created another issue, that of waste generation.
Use of Plastics
Unrestrained use of plastics is another major concern for the country. According to a survey, India’s demand for polymers is expected to go up from 11 million tonnes in 2012–13 to about 16.5 million tonnes in 2016–17. India’s per capita plastic consumption went up from about 4 kg in 2006 to some 8 kg in 2010. By 2020, this is likely to shoot up to about 27 kg.
It is essential to make the public aware of the formidable consequences of environmental degradation and climate reality projects in India.