NGO for Girl Child

Deepika Sharma
2 min readSep 28, 2016


Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that work for girl education do not just contribute to an economy but also help in solving the grave population issues. They believe that even if the social evils like child marriage and dowry system would be uprooted if more and more girls are educated. Such organisations recognize education as the most powerful intervention to transform lives. Thousands of underprivileged girls in our country think of it as a way to get an equal opportunity for learning, growing and realizing own potential.

What Non-Profit Institutions Do?

All talks of raising the standard of living for the female lot are no hogwash. The non-profit institutions also offer regular updates on their project, as well as its progress and developments related to women in various campaigns. It highlights the significance of girl education in our country by conducting different events and campaigns for the same. There are several positive effects led by the implementation of girl education projects in India through an NGO for girl child.

Positive Effects of Implementing Cause Projects

It increases the number of enrollments for girl students studying in school and reduces the dropout rate at the level of primary school. The impact can be seen clearly in the results that follow. The success also depends upon the academic support that is offered in the form of extra tuition classes and workbooks etc. The material support is also extended through items like uniforms, notebooks, socks, bags, shoes and hygiene items.

Elements of a Project

There are other important elements to a project too involving social support from individuals including parents, teachers, and elders in the community. The projects work towards leading to a shift in mindsets at large through helping a nation provide equal rights to citizens owing to education in India. If an organisation involved in a project is able to get good partners in the management and has a wider geographical coverage, it can go a long way. It can reap in the benefits if other corporate supporters too favour the mission of educating girls.

Whether you are a corporate or an ordinary citizen, least you can do is support a child who is enrolled in primary school or has reached the secondary level. Keep aside a certain sum of money to sponsor a little girl independently or by coordinating with an organisation. If you get associated with an institution that interests your cause, the concerned people send you the profile of a female child to keep following her progress updates.

Sponsoring a kid individually helps you achieve self-satisfaction without looking for somebody to reach out to. Also, you must raise concern on various gender-based issues to create an equal and just society.



Deepika Sharma
Deepika Sharma

Written by Deepika Sharma

Diligence + Entrepreneur + Educational Expert +personification +Intelligence + kinetic +awareness = **Deepika** is an enthusiastic person for her work.

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