Speech Therapy for Autistic Children
Most of the behavioral intensive therapy under autism covers correcting the speech-language disorder. The problem utilizes a variety of techniques to address a number of challenges faced by the people suffering with autism. For example, few persons with autism do not speak and some love to talk. However, those who talk have problems in conversational speech or understanding the complexities of nonverbal cues and a language while talking to others.
When the Therapy Starts
Speech language therapy has been designed to help with the speech mechanics and use of language. This programme starts with an evaluation of each individual carried out by one speech language pathologist who assesses the verbal aptitudes and problems. The evaluation helps the pathologist in setting goals to master spoken language and acquire non-verbal communication skills like signs or gestures.
A Functional Way to Communicate
In every case, the main aim is to help people communicate in a functional way. The therapy can be provided in either an informal group or a classroom setting. Therapists working with children use additional specialized training. Autistic persons benefit from a number of alternative and augmentative communicative methods and devices. Most commonly used among them is the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) for both adults and children who have no or little verbal ability.
Combining Efforts of Teachers, Therapists and Parents
The combined efforts of teachers, therapists and parents allows an adult or a child to build a vocabulary as well as articulate desires, feelings and observations through pictures. The system may be taught to be used at home or in a number of other settings. As the therapy begins, the instructor teaches the adults or children to exchange pictures for objects. Through instructions, a person learns to differentiate symbols and pictures and use them to form sentences.
Choose the Correct Therapy
Although, PECS utilizes visual tools, it reinforces verbal communication. There are other alternative and augmentative devices used as well including iPads, specially programmed computers and iPhones. Despite this, the speech therapy tends to be the most effective and choosing the correct one requires several factors to be taken into consideration. Developmental level, age of a child, personal interest and learning style help in determining the right speech therapy.
Speech Therapy at Different Life Stages in Autism
Those who are diagnosed with autism in early childhood know that it is a crucial time for intensive speech therapy and language skills for building meaningful interactions. When in preschool, using a language socially becomes important and at elementary level, children need to work upon their complex non-verbal social interactions. Later on, the focus is upon teaching life skills to children as it becomes quite necessary after passing out from school.