Deepika Sharma
3 min readAug 31, 2015

The Need of Diagnostic Health Camps in Rural Areas

After decades of freedom, we are still facing the challenge to ensure the availability of basic healthcare services to the entire population. As per the government records in India, 45 children die on an hourly basis because of respiratory infections. With one life being lost to diarrhoea after every 2 minutes and about two million children below five years dying every year, the problem of the lack of healthcare facilities looms large.

Benefits of Health Camps

The present condition requires people to ensure timely diagnosis and care for the beneficiaries by organising diagnostic health camps for the needy. Intervention at the prevention level reduces the chance of mortality among women and children. Such camps tend to fulfil the immediate healthcare requirements of the needy people, especially those living in the rural areas with limited accessibility.

Going Rural

Health camps are put up to offer services throughout the country providing a range of comprehensive health facilities including preventive, referral, promotive and curative to the people living in the selective intervention areas. Setting up health camps in rural areas is aimed at offering support to the little health infrastructure.

Why to Go for Health Check-Up?

The greatest need at this moment is to organise such health camps regularly along with doing a quick follow-up of the medical cases at particular intervals of time. The government and non-government organisations may join their hands to understand the common health related issues of people and can offer free medicinal help. Before setting up camps of this nature, it is necessary to do ample publicity around it and put up important health camp information for people to create awareness among the masses.

Objectives to Fulfil

Basically, the main motive behind taking up camp projects is to work for better reproductive as well as child health and to spread awareness about the vector-borne diseases. In addition, the emphasis is on the reproductive child health and the nutritional status of children below 12 years of age and women reaching a reproductive age.

Role of Non-Profit Organisations

Furthermore, some community based organisations also lend a helping hand in setting up awareness camps in order to urge masses to follow better sanitation and hygiene practices and to educate people about safe drinking water and water-borne diseases. There are other welfare motives behind putting up health related camps that comprise capacity building and creating awareness about life threatening diseases such as AIDS and TB-like common ailments.

Community Level Efforts

The awareness camps by non-profit institutions are targeted at women and men who are young, poor and elderly. Though, community participation through volunteering and funding would be an added advantage in the efforts to bring about a change. And, this can only come through a strong sense of responsibility and accountability on the part of community.

Deepika Sharma
Deepika Sharma

Written by Deepika Sharma

Diligence + Entrepreneur + Educational Expert +personification +Intelligence + kinetic +awareness = **Deepika** is an enthusiastic person for her work.

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